Michala Gregorová
It’s a well-known fact that renting a flat is hard work. Selling one can be equally hard. Sure, you can hire a real estate agent who will look after the whole process. But how do you find a reliable agent? And how do you know if the sale price they suggest is the best? Introducing Reas, a Czech company aiming to simplify and ultimately digitise the entire real estate sales process, one into which Miton has decided to invest nearly 400,000 Euro.
Although Reas has been in the market for only a year, the company has already helped to sell hundreds of properties for a total sale price of nearly 20 million Euro. What’s behind their success?
Reas connects property sellers with the best estate agents in the business, regardless of the real estate company which they are aligned with. Reas requires that their collaborating agents offer a quality service, dependability and transparency. In addition, they monitor their agents closely during the sale process to ensure that customers receive the highest level of service.
“In addition to analysing listings and other data available through real estate agencies, we personally check out each agent over a period of several months before we decide to collaborate. The sale of a property is a key life event for most individuals. We don’t want people to lose out on this important transaction because of the lack of transparency in the real estate market,” explains Michal Makoš, co-founder of Reas.
Besides recommending reliable estate agents, Reas offers its clients other advantages. Thanks to intelligent analysis of up-to-date sales data, the company is able to recommend a realistic sale price.
“In Miton we like technology projects that are helping to improve people’s lives and are challenging the status quo in fields that have traditionally not been friendly or transparent. Reas’ vision is to digitise the entire real estate sales process in order to ensure that clients sell their homes for the best price possible,” elaborates Miton’s CEO David Špinar. “We’ve been watching Reas from the very beginning and are impressed by the fantastic work they’re doing. That’s why we have decided to invest in the company as a minority share holder.”
After Ideálnínájemce.cz, Reas is the second project in the Miton portfolio working in real estate. The company has also attracted investment from David Duroň.
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It has been exactly one year since Filip Široký joined MitonC, our crypto arm. A lot has happened since. Filip has become a General Partner and, in the meantime, managed to make six investments with MitonC.
(press release) DeepScout is a project of experienced founder Jan Mittner and the VC company Miton, which invested in "SimilarWeb for e-commerce" before the launch. It allows e-shops to access market and competitor data with a single click; thanks to AI, this is possible at a fraction of the current cost. The DeepScout platform also sees the opportunity to offer actionable insights over big data in other areas.