Michala Gregorová
What’s new in the Miton team? It has, for example, grown again in the past month, allowing us to provide our companies with greater support.
In the autumn, Katka Chvalinová joined our CFO Vláďa Janouš as Financial Manager. Katka’s work builds on the extensive experience she gained at her former employer, the consulting firm KPMG, where she was mainly involved in valuation and financial advisory in connection with company sales and acquisitions.
Katka’s work at Milton primarily includes dealing with investment rounds for companies in the group, performing internal valuations and helping with the financial management of the group.
“The companies in Miton’s portfolio encompass several entirely different sectors. Each has its own specificities and projects at various stages of development, which translates to great variety in my work,” describes Katka diplomatically the fact that if anyone in the Miton team has a lot on their plate, then it is definitely our financial duo.
In January, we convinced Markéta Nováková to join our team in the position of HR Business Partner. We know Markéta well from her time at Rohlík, where she began as a business partner for the IT department and then was gradually given responsibility for Rohlik’s entire head office, and from our very own Biano, where she held the position of HR Manager.
Markéta’s task at Miton is to manage the entire HR agenda, which means helping with recruitment, managing our network of contacts and building the internal HR team. If you feel that working at Miton would be great (and it is), we are looking for someone to join Markéta to help her seek out talented people.
P. S. We are also looking for an analyst.
As Miton continues to expand thematically, these regular summaries are becoming more and more diverse. We have something from crypto, a lot from AI, new podcast episodes, news in gastrotech, and re-commerce. What interests you the most?
It has been exactly one year since Filip Široký joined MitonC, our crypto arm. A lot has happened since. Filip has become a General Partner and, in the meantime, managed to make six investments with MitonC.
(press release) DeepScout is a project of experienced founder Jan Mittner and the VC company Miton, which invested in "SimilarWeb for e-commerce" before the launch. It allows e-shops to access market and competitor data with a single click; thanks to AI, this is possible at a fraction of the current cost. The DeepScout platform also sees the opportunity to offer actionable insights over big data in other areas.