Michala Gregorová
Our companies have two things in common: fast growth and ambitions beyond the Czech Republic. For this they need a base that can attract new staff and a place where people feel good. The concept of a shared office allows our companies to join forces and to create exactly that kind of atmosphere. Welcome to Prague’s hopping Karlin, home to Miton and four of our companies and a work base for some 100 people.
The Corso complex in Karlin is the new address for Miton, the Glami fashion search engine, the Biano furniture search engine, the online car leaser Driveto, and Sense Arena, a virtual reality hockey training programme. We are now close to Bonami, Rohlik.cz, Twisto and Rossum, who also call Karlin their home. After all, the neighbourhood has become the favourite location for startups.
Internationalism is increasingly more important for our companies, which now employ people from 14 different countries. The greatest contribution to our cultural diversity is being made by Glami, which now works in 12 countries.
English is slowly becoming our primary language and this is reflected in our offices. What’s more, the design of each of our ten meeting rooms is inspired by a different country.
The Karlin office space is designed to encourage informal meetings. The natural ‘heart’ of the office is the kitchen and dining space, and there is ‘Tech Talk’, a space for workshops and presentations that comfortably seats up to 60 people.
As is appropriate and expected for startup culture, four legged friends are welcome.
The hockey rink is not for relaxation – its benefits notwithstanding – but for fine-tuning the Sense Arena VR software and hardware for specific hockey clubs.
We had previously tested the benefits of a shared office space in Liberec, and because most of our companies are headquartered in Prague, we wanted to replicate it – at the very least to support the sharing of know-how that daily contact facilitates. The requisite 10 million Czech crown investment was a big experiment, but after two months in Karlin it looks like it has been successful. People are having fun and are feeling comfortable in our great new premises.
As Miton continues to expand thematically, these regular summaries are becoming more and more diverse. We have something from crypto, a lot from AI, new podcast episodes, news in gastrotech, and re-commerce. What interests you the most?
It has been exactly one year since Filip Široký joined MitonC, our crypto arm. A lot has happened since. Filip has become a General Partner and, in the meantime, managed to make six investments with MitonC.
(press release) DeepScout is a project of experienced founder Jan Mittner and the VC company Miton, which invested in "SimilarWeb for e-commerce" before the launch. It allows e-shops to access market and competitor data with a single click; thanks to AI, this is possible at a fraction of the current cost. The DeepScout platform also sees the opportunity to offer actionable insights over big data in other areas.