Michala Gregorová
We planned the dinner for the Czech Republic vs. Canada match. Fortunately, the Karlín venue HolKa had prepared a garden with a screen. Although the game didn't go well for the Czech Republic, it’s irrelevant history given the overall outcome :) How did the evening turn out? Check out the photos.
People in crypto have been in a good mood for the past few months, regardless of the hockey results. Team Miton C is proof of that.
Besides Radek and David from Miton C, you can also see Martin from Firefish in the photo. They recently launched the public version of their service, take a look.
The crypto payment gateway Confirmo is also doing well, and in the photo, you can see its CEO Anna Štrébl (though unfortunately blurry) along with our sharp Katka Chvalinová.
These two are ours too, Gábi and Katka
Founder 100ks Kuba Svoboda before the committee. Do you already have your art print at home?
Our Tomáš Matějček with Petr Baudiš, co-founder of Rossum.
Jirka Diblík from VOS showing something on his phone to Michal Repetný and Honza Legner from Marinade.
This is our Tomáš Hodboď. Do you know him? Tomáš started at Heureka (eventually as CEO), then founded and led GLAMI, helped grow Donio, and is now looking for his next venture to help build :)
He no longer needs to lead GLAMI because Janko Kešelák is now at the helm.
To wrap up, here’s a group photo of the Miton team. For us, founders dinners are also an opportunity to meet in person.
Special thanks to the wonderful Jana Plavec for the photos. And also thanks to Karlínská HolKa for the great place, it's nice there.
P.S. If you enjoy browsing photos, here are photo galleries from the Christmas founders dinner, last spring's founders dinner, the autumn before last in Jizera, and the spring before last on Petřín.
As Miton continues to expand thematically, these regular summaries are becoming more and more diverse. We have something from crypto, a lot from AI, new podcast episodes, news in gastrotech, and re-commerce. What interests you the most?
It has been exactly one year since Filip Široký joined MitonC, our crypto arm. A lot has happened since. Filip has become a General Partner and, in the meantime, managed to make six investments with MitonC.
(press release) DeepScout is a project of experienced founder Jan Mittner and the VC company Miton, which invested in "SimilarWeb for e-commerce" before the launch. It allows e-shops to access market and competitor data with a single click; thanks to AI, this is possible at a fraction of the current cost. The DeepScout platform also sees the opportunity to offer actionable insights over big data in other areas.