Photo report from post-covid founders dinner

Verča Hrozová, Miton

Veronica Hrozová

18. 6. 2020
what’s new in Miton

After almost three months, when we were seeing each other only through all sorts of online services and the meeting rooms were empty, we were looking forward to a traditional dinner together even more. The refuge for us was Výčep at Vinohrady, which, by the way, we highly recommend for such similar events.

In the moody head photo, you can see the group around our Václav Štrupl.

FD Lada a MJ

Lada Brůnová (Donio) tells Monika Herodesová and Míša Gregorová (Miton team) about new collections that they can support. Michal Jirák from Miton in the foreground.

FD společná u stolu

Enjoying good beer: (from left) Hynek Husník (Reas), Jakub Kulhan (Scuk), Lukáš Janoušek (Twisto), Tomáš Gogár (Rossum), Tomáš Matějček and Monika Herodesová (Miton team), Bob Tetiva (Sense Arena) and Václav Štrupl.

FD Lukáš Kovač venku

The weather turned out beautifully and Lukáš Kovač (Qerko) and the others enjoy a chilled soft drink. Of course, no one smokes here.

FD kolečko

Here comes the moment of the circle, which, as you can see on the faces of the guests, is a very popular activity of every founders dinner.

FD zasněný Filip Tylš

Filip Tylš (Psyon) dreamily talks about his caravan, which he bought during the quarantine.

FD Vysmátý koutek

The loudest corner, composed of, who else than (from right) Adam Szabó (Driveto), Míša Gregorová (Miton) and Bob Tetiva (Sense Arena).

FD David a blondýny

In the front: The principal of the whole, quite difficult to control, circus David Špinar alongside with Anna Paličková, Veronica Hrozová (both Miton team) and Lada Brůnová (Donio).

FD ochutnávka

Tasty first course: dried ham, mushrooms in garlic and wine, fish salad with dill, tomato salad with roasted seeds, and the perfect tartare in crispy bread. They took great care of us at Výčep.



Of further interest