Why we decided to initiate the Circle of Innovation in Mental Health

Michala Gregorová, Miton

Michala Gregorová

28. 9. 2020

Collaboration instead of competition – the main motivation for our decision to organise the informal gatherings we’ve named Circle of Innovation in Mental Health.

Under Miton Psychonauts we support projects aiming to improve people’s mental wellbeing. While each project takes a different path, collectively they share many themes, with great potential for synergy. And that is why we have created a platform to help us come together and explore these very themes. The circle includes people from the fields of business, science and medicine, offering a unique mix of ideas and viewpoints.

Kruh pro inovace v duševním zdraví

The introductory circle met on 5 August in our Karlín offices. In addition to the founders of Psyon, Terap.io and VOS.health, projects supported through Miton Psychonauts, the gathering included Karolína Presová from Replug.me and Tereza Růžičková, co-founder of Nevypusť duši mental health NGO and now a PhD researcher at Oxford. 

The next circle is scheduled for 26 October and will explore the topic of ‘digital self’. 

The circles are intended for a small number of participants in order to facilitate an open discussion. If you are interested in joining us, please write and tell us something about yourself through the form found on the Miton Psychonatus page on our website, where you will also find more information about our activities in the space of mental health. 


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