Tomáš Hodboď
Last week they had the All-Hands meeting in GLAMI summarizing 2018 achievements and discussing this year's priorities. As Michal and Tomas have nothing to hide and they adhere to maximum transparency in their communication, we made the speech available to everyone. Perhaps it will help GLAMI to reach what they have set :)
2018 was another great GLAMI year!
We have helped to discover and purchase more fashion items than ever; 1 745 976 fashion packages were shipped to customers thanks to GLAMI. What a joy we have delivered!
This translates to over 2 billion CZK worth of fashion sales delivered to our partners. There is not larger online fashion destination in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania.
Here are some 2018 achievements of the whole team that helped us get there:
Long story short: We grew GLAMI together by more than 100 % YoY. Again.
But do you know what made me actually the happiest? We have doubled the team to 66 great people in Prague office. In the whole Inspigroup, there are more than 120 amazing people. I do enjoy having a good time with you! BTW, did you know that there are people in the team which refused offers from companies such as Google or Amazon? It means a lot to me as it shows that they believe in our team and in our mission.
To make my summary comprehensive I mustn’t forget some challenges we have been facing as we grow and discover new levels:
I believe that only by talking about these things frankly, we are able to face them and fix them. Overall, I am really happy that we are fulfilling our goal being the largest independent source of fashion trends and items sold online. 2018 results show that we are on the right path..
Fashion is already the largest e-commerce category in most developed countries and at the same time the fastest growing. But it still only makes about 10 % of all fashion retail. 90 % of fashion is still purchased in brick and mortar stores. This reminds us that we still have a long way to go. We can only achieve this by always standing on the users’ side, helping them uncover new brands that suit their individual style and help them shop comfortably and reliably.
There is one more thing I would like to emphasize this year.
You may have seen or heard that fashion is one of the highest polluting industry.
(If you haven't seen yet, I recommend watching the documentary exploring the impact of fashion on people and our planet The True Cost.) Everyone in the industry—producers, sellers, brands, and customers—are realizing the negative impact on our environment more and more. According to the Pulse of the Fashion Industry report, 75 % of fashion companies have improved their sustainability score compared to last year. And their actions became more visible:
Our Fashion (Re)search confirms this trend as well. We found out that
BUT ... 48 % of customers do not know which brands are sustainable or ethical.
Low awareness of sustainable brands is the biggest barrier to the purchase.
And this is exactly where GLAMI should play its role.
Because people care and “because there is no planet B”, as Ecoalf is saying.
Does that mean we drop 90 % of the items we list? We still want to gather and organize all fashion in one place for anyone to discover. If we are to help shift the fashion industry to be more responsible, we need to support change and encourage the brands that are doing steps forward by promoting their stories, why people should care and let shoppers decide.
If I could say at the end of 2019, that we helped people shop more responsibly and meaningfully at GLAMI, I would be really happy. We have done something good for ourselves - and our planet.
From all of this, from the discussion within the countries and chapters, we put the main priorities for this year which we want to focus on.
These projects are crucial to build a better GLAMI for even more users. We are also confident that it is the best way to bring great customers to our partner shops to surpass 200 million EUR in sales this year.
Great wonders lie ahead — let’s get on with our journey!
Thank you so much!
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